I need a career change but don’t know what to do
You know you need to change career when you no longer associate with your work colleagues or the organisation. It may have been a gradual or a sudden realisation that you no longer feel comfortable in your current workplace. Feeling unhappy at work can affect your whole well-being and life so be gentle on yourself if you are in a career flux.
It is therefore important that you enlist the best possible career advice and support because the action that you take now will impact your life and the people around you. The first step is to explore in detail all of the possible career options open to you. It is important that you get back in touch with your passions and career aspirations. Ask yourself, ‘What would I really love to do for a job?’ or ‘Who has the job that I really want?’ Notice how you react to these questions and what comes up for you. Have the courage to explore new career ideas and reach out to people in these types of jobs. Ask them directly what they enjoy about their work and what they find rewarding about it.
I need to change career fast
Getting out of any type of career rut takes time and courage. You need to recognise and value yourself more if you are to make this necessary career change. Start off by making a list of all of your key or core skills. Write down everything that comes to mind and really focus on what is unique and special about you. Include things on your list that make you feel good or things that you have been praised for in the past. Be willing to stretch your mind and create a space within it to try new things. Changing career is all about believing in yourself and taking the necessary action.
What is the best process to follow to change career?
You will have to manage your own thoughts and feelings during the career change process so it is important that you feel strong, capable and competent in your own abilities. You may have to break a few boundaries that you had previously placed around yourself so it is important that you are able to build your own strength. Making a career change a reality is all about being willing to stretch beyond your limits and having the tenacity to persist and win through in spite of any setback or failures. Adopting a ‘can do’ and positive attitude with assist you greatly in your quest for a new career path.
If you are looking to make a change of career and need any career ideas, you can always enlist the help of a professional career advisor. Career Consultants has career and business advisors on hand to help you formulate your ideas and action your career plan.
Would you like us to make some sensible career change suggestions that you may wish to consider?
Yes, then share with us your CV and brief details on the types of career paths you have been considering and Sarah Berry, UK career expert and author of “How to love the job your do” will email you with some suggestions.