Taken from Sarah Berry’s latest book – Find Your Purpose & LIGHT UP YOUR LIFE, here are three inspiring examples of previous clients who have discovered their new exciting life purpose:
First of Three Examples | From Anger to Joy: How One Salesperson Found Purpose in Her Work Again
Are you genuinely satisfied with your career and your life right now?
Most people can’t truthfully answer “yes” even though they outwardly project an aura of success at their workplace and home.
That’s because more often than not, there’s a sense of purpose missing. That sense of purpose is much more important than you might think, especially if you’re buried in details, never catching up and feeling constantly stressed.
I invite you to read the following story.
See how one hard working Head of Sales transformed her life from one of internal dissatisfaction to one of fulfillment. She wound up truly thriving in a job that was once slowly destroying her, even though she didn’t see the danger at the time.
Let me introduce you to Gabriella.
Gabriella was on sick leave when we first met. She was Head of a Sales team and was close to burn out. She loved her job but hated it at the same time. She was highly energetic, fiercely competitive and to some extent addicted to the euphoria of securing a sale. The adrenaline rush of clinching a deal put her on a high which used to last weeks.
However, the lows after the high were becoming tougher to handle.
That’s because although chasing sales and feeling high made Gabriella´s life interesting, it also made her feel anxious and stressed. Behind every successful deal was that horrible nagging fear of not making another sale of this kind and losing out to someone else.
She was constantly plagued by a fear of losing her touch. This fear had started to affect her work life balance. More and more she suffered from mood swings and a feeling that her world would fall apart if things didn´t go her way. She was quick to lose her temper both at work and home, fall into self-sabotage habits and had a nagging feeling that maybe it was time to do something else. But what? Sales was all she knew and felt she was good at. And to the outside world Gabriella was successful.
What was apparent to Gabriella — even though she hadn´t quite processed it yet — was that her overall well-being was dependent upon her performance at work. She was driven by a powerful need to succeed and when this need was met, she felt GREAT. In fact, her world was joyful. She would make plans, invest in things for her house and book herself expensive and luxurious holidays. She was also a generous person and she would share her money with family, friends and strangers. She was literally on top of the world. But if she was faced with rejection, a loss of a deal or a disapproving look from her superiors, the personal cost was very high.
Gabriella would feel the loss as a pain inside her body and would need to lie down or take a few days off sick. She found it hard to admit to her loved ones what was going on and so she often resorted to unhealthy habits and behaviours to boost her self-esteem and recapture that bounce in her step. She didn’t feel good about herself or the people she hurt in the process.
But she wasn’t paying attention to all the damage because her focus was only on her own PAIN RELIEF and gaining a way to win and get back on track.
After all, sales is about wins and results. It’s a visible profession and it’s the profession that feeds the rest of the organisation. No sales means the business stalls or fails. And all too often people in Sales attach their worth to the sales they make. Their self-worth is determined in terms of their results. That means the results can overshadow or hide how they feel inside. Yet feelings will change depending upon your age, stage in life and financial commitments. These inner needs and feelings get overlooked in the frenzy to survive in a frantic business world.
And they often alter the way things are perceived. If the person can become more conscious about what they feel or need then inner needs can fuel good performance rather than mess it up.
Through the work we did in terms of recognising her dark side, thinking and behavior habits, Gabriella learned to identify her changing and fluctuating inner needs. At first it was hard for her to put herself through the process of self-enquiry and make these needs visible to herself, let alone someone else. She had to escape the habit of pretending her needs didn’t matter and bring them to the surface. Her specific needs were for recognition and authority in terms of her job.
But she also had to find ways to get her needs met outside work, so we worked on shaping her new home life. Building new relationships, pursuing new hobbies and knowing how to open up to trusted friends helped her feel less vulnerable about admitting she had a need.
Having her needs met outside work helped Gabriella feel a sense of reward inside. Once she experienced this feel good factor her outside world changed too. She used her purpose vision to help her to adopt a more relaxed and friendly work style. She knew how to protect her energy and change a difficult work atmosphere which in turn helped her feel more in control. Small shifts in her focus gave her the energy to enhance her value at work. She systemised and shared more of her work practices so her team looked up to her for support and help. Her work become about ‘all of us’ not just her.
As she become more self-confident and content in herself, she found she had the patience to listen more to what her team and clients were saying. She now heard their needs because she wasn´t looking to them to fulfil her own needs. The work we did together helped Gabriella to feel better about herself, change the way she presented herself and therefore how she displayed her competencies. It became much easier for her to develop and sustain trusting working relationships once she was operating on her full tank. She also found it easier to listen to and spend time with clients as she was enjoying herself more.
It was a pathway of self-assessment and healthy transformation. These internal and external changes paved the way for a personal and intimate service for the benefit of all parties concerned. The reputation of the individual was restored through gentle and personal changes. Inner calm created outer success.
And that’s how Gabriella turned her career around. She re-discovered her purpose and transformed her life from one of unhealthy anger into genuine joy.
If her earlier difficulties sound uncomfortably similar to something happening in your own life, order your copy Find Your Purpose & Light Up Your Life by clicking here.
Second of Three Examples | From a State of Emergency to Calmness: How Finding Purpose Helped a Workaholic Become a Happier, More Effective Leader ….
If you’re like most people who spend a lot of time at work, your career is probably very demanding.
You might love your job and hate it at the same time too. And the stress … Does it sometimes seem that the entire world is against you?
Perhaps you’ve wondered if there’s something you could be doing differently to find joy in your career life again.
That’s why I’d like introduce you to Matthew. He asked himself that very question and found a very satisfying answer that changed everything for the better.
Matthew contacted me because his life wasn´t that much fun anyone. “Where had it all gone wrong?” he asked himself rhetorically. Matthew felt as if he was on an endless treadmill and going nowhere.
He had no trouble setting goals and targets, but the satisfaction of reaching them was always overshadowed by some new crisis he had to deal with. And it was all beginning to take a toll on his health.
In fact, when I first spoke to Matthew on Skype I thought he was in the A&E department and that he was calling to cancel his career consultancy session. That’s because he was sitting in a black chair and was having his blood pressure taken. He wasn´t actually in the A&E department, though. Instead he was at home taking his blood pressure on his portable machine because he had a few minutes to spare. It just seemed crazy.
Matthew was an intelligent and hardworking individual and what happened to him could happen to anyone. He didn´t know how to get off the treadmill without falling or injuring himself and he was scared.
He hadn´t intended for his life to get out of control or to lead a crazy lifestyle but this is where he was now. He was literally in crisis mode all the time. Matthew was working 60+ hours per week, his marriage was under pressure, he was constantly breaking his promises or making excuses and he was drinking far too much. He felt tired and unsupported and his temper was triggered by smaller and smaller things. He knew he was a workaholic but didn’t know how to change or if it was possible to change before he burned out.
The purpose work helped Matthew to realise that he had sold his SOUL to the company and that he was in danger of sabotaging his success. He felt great feelings of shame and humiliation as he had many people hidden in his personal dungeon. Matthew was hungry for success, so he was prone to back-stab people who threatened to stop his advances.
But for his family, Matthew played the victim role to restore his strength from heavy work battles and to gain the love, support and admiration he desperately needed. His family had no idea that Matthew was a ruthless and competitive person at work – business was business and his kinder human side was kept well hidden. Matthew was in conflict and disconnected from his true self. He felt a lot of internal pain and regret.
The work out of the pain pit involved going through his old story and looking deeply at himself. The personality profile helped Matthew to recognise his fears and inner needs and what was going on to bring about past situations.
Matthew needed a self-care routine and a recovery period to get back on track. Attention was paid to the types of things that triggered old feelings and wounds so he could choose a different thought pattern and behaviour. The purpose work helped re-define Matthew´s vision for his new way of being and it also made things simpler. He kicked his work adrenaline habit and started to feel more comfortable with who he truly was.
He distanced himself from things that triggered him in the past and made an effort to create a new fan club he could turn to in times of crisis or weakness. He learned to talk from his heart rather than his ego. That’s when he began to acknowledge people around him and put his trust in them. Matthew was less fearful of competition or failure. He also cleaned up his own behaviour and stopped making unpleasant jokes or putting other people down. He realised that building his success was not about knocking or pushing other people out of the way.
Through the self-realization work we did, he started to feel more confident in himself and believe in his own vision. He freely shared his big ideas and plans with other people and bullishly led the way forward. His confidence and intuition in turn fuelled and took pressure off his subordinates. They found it easier to trust and follow Matthew´s leadership now.
Matthew felt time slowed down for him as he become focused. He didn´t always like the changes he had to make. But as he made them, he felt fresher and calmer. He ended up doing far less but achieving far more. But the biggest achievement of all was that Matthew actually started to like himself a lot more through this work.
It was a pathway which involved great self-assessment, acknowledgement and reflection. A massive clean-up operation took place so the truth could be told and lived for the benefit of all concerned.
And that’s how Matthew went from hating himself to the opposite. He became much more productive without antagonising others and generating endless stress everywhere he went.
All it took was following a proven method designed to help him rediscover his sense of purpose.
So if you’re a workaholic who feels burned out and wondering if life is really meant to be this way, order your copy Find Your Purpose & Light Up Your Life by clicking here.
Sarah Berry´s latest eBook might be just the solution to putting PURPOSE back into your life – even if you didn’t know there was a problem until you read Matthew’s story.
Go ahead and read Find Your Purpose & Light Up Your Life right now. You’ll discover the step by step process Matthew followed to discover genuine happiness. You’ll have a complete solution and it might make every difference in how you perceive your job, your career and your life.
First of Three Examples | From a Lost Vision to a Glitzy NEW Vision ….
Everyone loves to feel appreciated for their hard work. So what happens if you don’t feel appreciated or valued any more?
Sometimes your frustration can boil over in unhealthy ways. That often uncovers a lot of previously hidden problems.
That’s why I’d like introduce you to Paul. If you’re a decision maker who feels overlooked for your great contributions, his story might just be your own.
Paul and I had already worked together years ago. The work we had completed then was to help him to secure the kind of job that would make his heart sing. Paul was an incredibly authentic person and liked being the good guy in his industry. He really loved what he did and exuded passion for his industry. His energy was electric to be around. Nothing stopped him from thinking outside the box and he could easily pull other people in to follow his vision and leadership.
Life was good to Paul until he suffered a big dent to his confidence. The company had set up a new International Division and Paul hadn´t been chosen to head it up. It was such a big blow for Paul that he was struggling to come to terms with how he had been overlooked for the role.
When Paul shared the details of this company decision, it was clear he was hiding his emotions deep inside himself. He could not look at me or articulate what he was feeling. He would literally avoid the subject of talking about his emotions. He just wanted to move the conversation onto what I thought he should do next.
“Should I resign because I no longer trust my fellow directors, should I start looking for a new job in a rival firm, or should I just accept this situation?”
Paul was coming across as painfully indecisive and rather hurt. It was not a reaction I would have expected from the Paul that I knew. So we set to work.
As soon as Paul started to open up and share his pain, it was clear he had had a lot of things to deal with both at home and at work. His wife had recently suffered a late miscarriage and the sense of loss they both felt had been very painful. Paul had tried to be strong for himself and his wife and do more homeworking to help them both through this emotional period. But it hadn’t been easy and he felt terrible inside that he could not give her the baby she was craving. “It’s just not happening,” he would say sheepishly. And he blamed himself for taking his eye off the ball at work. He felt his personal troubles had made him less available to his colleagues and superiors. So he blamed himself for both losses.
But the strange thing was Paul didn´t even want the job he didn’t get. It was simply a catalyst for all his pent up frustration and pain to surface. Surfacing pain can sometimes feel overwhelming as the person concerned may feel they’re going to lose their footing or slip into a big black hole. However, by letting out this pain the person will soon be gifted with feelings of relief. Then pain is replaced by inner peace.
Luckily, Paul was ready to unpack the dark stuff even if at times he felt embarrassed to do so. But he kept going because feelings of relief quickly flooded through his system and allowed him to re-connect with lost parts of himself.
“I never realised that it had all got to be so much for me.”
But the most important work we did was related to Paul´s purpose and vision. The daily toll on Paul to deliver had weakened his vision over time.
“No leader can leave home without their vision, so why are you Paul?” I asked him.
Re-defining his vision helped Paul to feel fuelled up again. He was a powerful visionary, but he had to improve his communication skills and create systems to maintain a constant flow of communication with his team. He had to learn how to communicate his message in a way that made his vision seem palatable and possible for everyone involved.
Paul also had to sharpen his own intuition and start checking in with himself more often. He had to build his own confidence to pursue his hunches and follow what felt right. It did involve more self-care in terms of meditation and alone time. He also learned how to pose questions to drill down to the types of information he needed. It also meant managing his fears and not allowing them to grow in the dark.
Paul´s glitzy vision involved working on his 1, 5 and 10 year plan and putting systems in place so he could step up to a bigger game plan. As he defined who he was and what he stood for, his performance and work opportunities increased. But his setback served as a reminder that he had to set the pace, terms and value himself while going forward.
The end result was a pathway of re-defined vision and boundaries so his new life could unfold.
And that’s how Paul discovered there will always be room for growth, change and improvement, but only if you respect your own limits.
All it took was following a proven method designed to help him rediscover his sense of purpose and reconnect with what he knew he stood for. Are you a leader who feels passed over in some way? Then order your copy Find Your Purpose & Light Up Your Life by Clicking Here.
Sarah Berry´s latest eBook might be just the solution to putting PURPOSE back into your life – even if you didn’t realise the full extent of your frustration until you read Paul’s story.
Go ahead and read Find Your Purpose & Light Up Your Life right now. You’ll discover the step by step process Paul followed to discover genuine happiness. You’ll have a complete solution and it might make every difference in how you perceive your job, your career and your life.
Need help creating your own Personal Purpose Statement
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